
It’s Time To Lie Down And Be Counted!

“Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it’s better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring.”  – Marilyn Monroe

Rabbit's Ready For Action

Are you ready to show NBC & other networks out there just how much we love Trauma and want it to come back for another season? Then join us in #TheRecoveryMission.

Step 1. Find somewhere unusual and put someone in the recovery position. (Click here to find our Recovery Position Guide).

Step 2. Take a photo of the person in the recovery position.

Step 3. Attach the photo to a tweet to @NBC. Make sure you tell them where the recovery position was done and how much you love Trauma. Also be sure to include the Tags #Trauma and #TheRecoveryMission so we can find them and include them in  our Facebook Gallery! 


@NBC #Trauma totally rocks. Hope you bring it back for another season #TheRecoveryPosition Scarbourogh Piere, U.K

@NBC Here’s my friend joining in #TheRecoveryMission at the bottom of The Angel of The North in England, all in aid of bringing back #Trauma

@NBC I love #Trauma! It needs to come back for another season! #TheRecoveryPosition Spofforth Castle, U.K.

Don’t have Twitter? Upload your Photos to our Facebook page and we will Tweet them for you. Be sure to include the location of where you did the recovery position so we can tell NBC.

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